Ian started the firm in 1985 after 5 years with Coopers & Lybrand. The first Hallmark of the firm was to marry strategy with execution and this has been a central deliverable in every project undertaken. The second hallmark of the firm was to create long term strategic advantage for clients with a mandate to recognize and implement paradigm shifting approaches to doing business.
We bring in the best people available in terms of hands on experience, objectivity, analytical skills and ability to communicate to work with management to develop their strategies. The same resources are available for support and evaluation as execution is rolled out.
A third example was developing a low cost approach to attracting highly qualified visitors to Mediconsult.com, the successful health web site (now WebMD). The result was that Mediconsult.com was able to attract 5 million unique and qualified visitors a month to Mediconsult.com while maintaining the stickiest visitor experience on the web. The visitor acquisition cost was the lowest in the health sector by a factor of 10. This high traffic / low cost model was a key factor in the success of the company's IPO on NASDAQ.
Why Sutcliffe & Associates?. We are a small firm with a passion for finding new ways of doing business, building a strategy around the true capabilities of our client and staying the course through successful execution. We bring high value to our clients that translates directly into higher revenue and higher profitability. Why not try us?
Sutcliffe & Associates was formed in 1985 to provide Management Consulting services to medium and large organizations.
For more information on Management Consulting Services, please contact Ian Sutcliffe.
P (905) 887-3214
E ian@iansutcliffe.com